
ジョン・ジェイ・スミスを探して (2) Going after John Jay Smith [Marginalia 余白に]

〔前の前の記事「ポーが書評した本 (14) 『万国著名裁判』 (1835) Books Reviewed by Poe (14): _Celebrated Trials of all Countries_ (1835)」で名前が出たジョン・ジェイ・スミス。ポー学者のポーリンは、「フィラデルフィアの法曹界のひとり」という匿名の著者を [George H. Borrow] と補っているのだけれど、Internet Archive はこぞって John Jay Smith (1798-1881) を著者としていたのでした。〕

  ジョン・ジェイ・スミスを探して、フィラデルフィア郊外のハヴァフォード大学の図書館 Haverford College Library の特別コレクションに "the John Jay Smith Papers, 1683-1859" が所蔵されているのがわかりました。pdf 文書 <>。といっても "0.5 linear feet" 〔あれっ? 小数だとfoot じゃなくてfeet でしたっけ〕で、document box はひとつだけ。 Logan Pearsall Smith から寄贈されたものとのこと。とまれ、その紹介Webページに詳しい伝記が載っていた(引用されていた)ので孫引きします。適当にリンクもはります(第一段落では、前の記事で引用したウィキペディアの記事の記述、「ロバート・パーサル・スミスはジョン・ジェイ・スミスとレイチェル・パーサルの息子。家系はペンシルヴェニ ア州とニュージャージー州の有力なクウェイカーの長くつづく家柄で、彼は、フィラデルフィアで最初の保険会社を創始し、フィラデルフィア病院の創設者のひ とりであったジョン・スミスの子孫であった。」――このぎこちない日本語は原文によるw――が、より詳しく書かれています)――

John Jay Smith (1798 - 1881) was an editor and librarian, a grand-nephew of Richard Smith and a grandson of John Smith, one of the founders of the Philadelphia Contributionship (1752), the first fire-insurance company instituted in America, and of Hannah (Logan) Smith, daughter of James Logan, 1674-1751.  The son of John and Gulielma Maria (Morris) Smith, he was born on a farm at Green Hill, Burlington County, N.J.  John Jay Smith attended the Friends' boarding school at Westtown, Pa.〔Friends はいわゆるクウェーカー〕, and was given some courses in languages at an early age.  He was then apprenticed to a druggist in Philadelphia.  After a brief partnership with Solomon Temple in the wholesale drug business, he entered business on his own account, and in 1821, married Rachel Collins Pearsall.  He was active in the establishment of a line of Conestoga wagons, operating as regular carriers between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, but the enterprise was short-lived.

In 1827, in partnership with George Taylor, he inaugurated the Pennsylvania Gazette.  Two years later he became librarian of the Library Company of Philadelphia; he was a hereditary trustee of the Loganian Library, one of its component parts.  Through his taste and industry, he gathered for the institution a large collection of autographs and manuscripts relating to the history of New Jersey and Pennsylvania.〔1827年の雑誌『ペンシルヴェニア・ガゼット』の創始とフィラデルフィア・ライブラリー・カンパニーの運営・資料蒐集など〕

In the early thirties, Smith suggested the republication of important foreign books in the form of a cheap weekly, to Adam Waldie, a Philadelphia printer.  Waldie's Select Circulating Library, under Smith's editorship, could be circulated through the mails.  This was the first effort in America on an extensive scale to take advantage of the absence of international copyright.  Within three months the work had a circulation of 6,000 copies a week, and for some years it enjoyed great success.  During 1835, Smith also edited the Museum of Foreign Literature, Science, and Art.  He was treasurer of the Philadelphia Museum and a founder of the Girard Life Insurance, Annuity, and Trust Company and of Laurel Hill Cemetery.  During the laying out of the cemetery, his interest in landscape gardening was deepened, and he afterwards edited (1850-51) The North American Sylva 2, 3 北米の樹木についての本だけど、デジタル化が不鮮明で残念〕by François André Michaux and the eleventh edition (1857) of The American Gardener's Calendar by Bernard McMahon.  He also published Designs for Monuments and Mural Tablets . . . With a Preliminary Essay on the Laying Out, Planting, and Managing of Cemeteries (1846) and Guide to Laurel Hill Cemetery (1844), which went through seven editions in his lifetime.〔1830年代。国際コピーライトがないことを逆に利用してアメリカで外国の本を出版する試みや、1835年の雑誌『外国文学・科学・芸術ミュージアム』の編集や、フィラデルフィア・ミュージアムの仕事や生命保険会社の設立や、ローレル・ヒル墓地の運営や、それに伴う「風景庭園術」 (landscape gardening) への関心など〕

Smith contributed articles on Benjamin Franklin, David Rittenhouse, William Augustine Washington, and Simon Kenton to The National Portrait Gallery of Distinguished Americans (1834-39).  Meanwhile, in 1845, his son, Lloyd Pearsall Smith had begun the publication of Smith's Weekly Volume, a successor to Waldie's, and this publication was edited by the elder Smith from January 1845 to Mar. 25, 1846.  He made four trips to Europe, describing one in [A] Summer's Jaunt across the Water (2 vols., 1846).  In 1851 he retired from his librarianship so that his son Lloyd might be appointed in his place.  His later literary work included the editing of Letters of Dr. Richard Hill (1854) and the authorship of a volume of entertaining gossip, written for his children, which was edited by his daughter and privately printed in 1892 under the title, Recollections of John Jay Smith Written by Himself.  Smith died at his estate, "Ivy Lodge," Germantown, at the age of eighty-three.  He had four sons and three daughters; Hannah Whitall Smith was his daughter-in-law.〔1830年代後半の伝記記事寄稿、1840年代の渡欧と紀行文 (1846年)。1851年のライブラリー会社からの引退。『リチャード・ヒル博士書簡集』 (1854年)の刊行。死後出版 (1892年)されることになる、身内にむけた文章の執筆など〕

From: "John Jay Smith."Dictionary of American Biography Base Set. American Council of Learned Societies, 1928-1936.  Biography Resource Center.

   リンクは主に著作に付けましたが、記載のなかには例の本は入っていません。冒頭の家系の記載で出てくるジェームズ・ローガンというのはアメリカ最初の貸し出し図書館 (lending library) といわれる Logan Library の創始者ですけど、ジョン・ジェイ・スミスは、そのローガンの娘の血筋を受けてもいて、巡回図書館やらの事業をフィラデルフィアでやっていたのでした。しかし、法律関係の言及はないですねー。なんだかわからなくなりました。 




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