
ポーが書評した本 (16) マダム・ジュノーの『万国著名女性回顧録』 (1834; 1835) Books Reviewed by Poe (16): _Memoirs of Celebrated Women_ by Madame Junot (1834; 1835) [ポーの書評 Poe's Book Reviews]

続いて、ポーの最初期の批評(と想定されている文章)の中から、順番でいうと、雑誌紹介2篇に続く『サミュエル・ドル―伝』のつぎの『ナポレオン伝』のつぎの『万国著名裁判』のつぎの 『ノー・フィクション――最近の興味深い事実に基づいた物語』 のつぎの記事(『サザン・リテラリー・メッセンジャー』誌1835年4月号 "Critical Notices" 458ページ)。

Madame Junot.  Memoirs of Celebrated Women of All Countries.  Philadelphia: Carey, Lea and Blanchard[, 1835]. 

マダム・ジュノー著 『万国著名女性回顧録』  フィラデルフィア: ケアリー・リー・アンド・ブランシャード[、1835年]


  ダブランテス公爵夫人、マダム・ジュノーMadame Junot = Laure Saint-Martin Junot, Duchess of Abrantès [duchesse d'Abranès](née Martin de Permond), 1784–1838 は、ナポレオンに仕えた将軍Jean-Andoche Junotの奥さんで、バルザックに励まされて書いた18巻本の Mémoires historiques sur Napoléon Ier, la Révolution, le Directoire, l’Empire et la Restauration (Paris, 1831-34) など、回想録の類をたくさん著わしているようです。

La Duchesse d'Abrantès et le Général Junot (c.1800) by Marguerite Gérard (1761–1837), image via "Laure Junot d'Abrantès," French Wikipedia <


  アメリカ版の前年にロンドンで出版されたイギリス版―― Memoirs of Celebrated Women of All Countries by Madame Junot.  With Portraits by the Most Eminent Masters.  London: Edward Churton, 1834.  左の扉絵はナポレオンの母親のマリア・レティツィア・ラモリーノ (本文の最初にとりあげられる女性)。 

e-text @Open Library <>  

Memoirs of Celebrated Women of all Countries.  By Madame Junot.  Philadelphia, Carey, Lea and Blanchard.  These memoirs are amusing, and so far we can recommend them highly, but no farther.  Their morality is questionable indeed; and they bear upon their face, in a certain pervading air of romance, sufficient evidence of their own inauthenticity.  There is a sad mistake too in the title of the work.  These are not memoirs of celebrated women in all countries: they are merely Madame Junot's celebrated women in a few particular regions.  The greater part of them have no pretensions to celebrity.  It has been remarked that the sketch of Marina Minszech will afford a fair sample of the Duchess's biographical style.  In this opinion we concur, and as it is a pretty fable, we advise all to read it who have no inclination for the book entire. [Southern Literary Messenger, April 1835: 458]

    評者は「万国」ではぜんぜんないことにツッコミを入れています。本に取り上げられている女性は――Maria Letizia Ramolini Bonaparte/ Anna Zingha, Queen of Matamba/ Lady Jane Gray/ Dona Catalina de Erauso/ Beatrice Cenci/ Catherine the First Queen of Russia/ Ann Boleyn/ Baroness de Stael Holstein/ Charlotte Corday/ Josephine Bonaparte/ Mary the Catholic, Queen of England/ Marina Mniszech/ Christina, Queen of Sweden/ Lady Mary Wortley Montagu/ Marie Antoinette/ Mary of Medicis の16人です。書評中、ジュノー夫人の伝記スタイルの典型とされているこれ読んでみればいいよ、と言及されている "Marina Minszech" は Mniszech の綴り間違いです。

  ポー学者のポーリンは、綴り間違いは指摘しないけれど、"inauthenticity" の語(OED の初例は1860年) がポーらしい造語だと指摘しています。

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ポーが書評した本 (17) シャーロット・アンリーの『感化力――道徳物語』 (1822; 1835) Books Reviewed by Poe (17): _Influence, A Moral Tale_ by Charlotte Anley (1822; 1835) [ポーの書評 Poe's Book Reviews]

続いて、ポーの最初期の批評(と想定されている文章)の中から、順番でいうと、雑誌紹介2篇に続く『サミュエル・ドル―伝』のつぎの『ナポレオン伝』のつぎの『万国著名裁判』のつぎの『ノー・フィクション――最近の興味深い事実に基づいた物語』 のつぎのの『万国著名女性回顧録』のつぎの記事(『サザン・リテラリー・メッセンジャー』誌1835年4月号 "Critical Notices" 458-459ページ)。

[Charlotte Anley]  Influence, a Moral Tale, by the author of Miriam.   Philadelphia: Key and Biddle, 1835. 

[シャーロット・アンリー著]  『ミリアム』の著者による 『感化力――道徳物語』    フィラデルフィア: キー・アンド・ビドル、1835年

  シャーロット・アンリー Charlotte Anley, 1796-1893 は、ウィキペディア等、Webの辞典類に記載がないので、図書館で人名事典を調べてみないとなりませんが、とりあえず、 "The Genealogy of the Dumaresq or Dumaresque Family" という家系図のページにつぎのような人物がいて、この女性です。――

Charlotte Anley Born 17 February 1796. Died unmarried Bath 6 April 1893 (5b 396). Left UK on SS Camden 22 Feb 1836, arriving Sydney 2 June 1836. Sent by Elizabeth Fry to investigate conditions of female prisoners. For 18 months she also worked as a governess for her mother's family Australian properties. Sailed to UK in SS North Briton in 1838 and wrote a damning report. She was a Quaker, prison reformer, composer and novelist.   <>

    クウェーカーで、監獄改良家で、作家、小説家。 イギリスで生れてイギリスで亡くなっているようです。オーストラリアの監獄について、1841年にThe Prisoners of Australia: A Narrative (London: J. Hatchard and Son, 1841)を出しています。 Miriam; or, the power of truth. A jewish tale. : By the author of "Influence の初版はどうやら1826年に出版され、Influence: A Moral Tale[for Young People] は1822年に、やはりイギリスで初版が出版されているようです。

  現時点で、いくら探しても、Web上にはアメリカ版が見つかりません。1822年の初版の1巻のみと、1824年の第2版の2巻本がInternet Archive には入っていました。――


[Charlotte Anley,] Influence: A Moral Tale for Young People.  By a Lady.  2nd edition.  Volume 1.  London: L. B. Seeley, 1824.  206pp.  E-text@ Internet Archive [Oxford University; Google] <>

[Charlotte Anley,] Influence: A Moral Tale for Young People.  By a Lady.  2nd edition.  Volume 2.  London: L. B. Seeley, 1824.  327pp.  E-text@ Internet Archive [Oxford University; Google] <>


[Charlotte Anley,] Influence: A Moral Tale for Young People.  By a Lady.   Volume 1.  London: L. B. Seeley, 1822.  255pp.  E-text@ Internet Archive [Harvard University; Google] <>


Influence, a Moral Tale, by the author of Miriam.  Philadelphia, Key and Biddle.  There is an air of modest tranquillity about this book which we admire.  It is a pleasing tale addressed to the young, to serious parents, and to friends―and it pretends to be nothing more.  Its style too is unobjectionable.  If the work developes [sic → develops] in the author no extraordinary capabilities, it is, we think, because there was no intention of developing them.

    アメリカ版が見られないので、なんとも言えませんけれど、副題のなかの "For Young People" は評者が誤って落としたのか、あるいはアメリカ版が "A Moral Tale" だけとしたのか。


Miriam; or, The Power of Truth.  A Jewish Tale.  By the Author of 'Influence'.  London, 1826.  Rpt. (3rd. ed.)   Philadelphia, Key and Biddle, 1836.   e-text @Internet Archive [New York Public Library; Google] <>

The Prisoners of Australia.  A Narrative.  London: J. Hatchard, 1841.  e-text @Internet Archive [Oxford University; Google] <>

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ポーが書評した本 (18) ホワイトヘッドの『英国海賊、追剥、盗賊伝』 (1834; 1835) Books Reviewed by Poe (18): _Lives of the English Pirates, Highwaymen and Robbers_ by Whitehead (1834; 1835) [ポーの書評 Poe's Book Reviews]

続いて、ポーの最初期の批評(と想定されている文章)の中から、順番でいうと、雑誌紹介2篇に続く『サミュエル・ドル―伝』のつぎの『ナポレオン伝』のつぎの『万国著名裁判』のつぎの『ノー・フィクション――最近の興味深い事実に基づいた物語』 のつぎの『万国著名女性回顧録』のつぎの『感化力――道徳物語』のつぎの記事(『サザン・リテラリー・メッセンジャー』誌1835年4月号 "Critical Notices" 459ページ)。

[Charles] Whitehead, Lives and Exploits of English Highwaymen, Pirates, and Robbers.  Philadelphia: E. L. Carey and A. Hart, 1835. 

[チャールズ・]ホワイトヘッド著  『英国の追剥、海賊、盗賊の伝記と手柄』  フィラデルフィア: E・L・ケアリー・アンド・A・ハート、1835年

  ホワイトヘッドは、チャールズ・ホワイトヘッド Charles Whitehead, 1804-62 らしい。Wikipedia "Charles Whitehead" <> は本文数行の短いものだけれど、ウィキペディアの記事の典拠となった"Whitehead, Charles," Dictionary of National Biography (London: Smith, Elder & Co. 1885–1900) は詳しく、本書も言及されている(下線強調付加)。――

WHITEHEAD, CHARLES (1804–1862), poet, novelist, and dramatist, the son of a wine merchant, was born in London in 1804. He began life as a clerk in a mercantile house, but soon adopted literature as his profession. In 1831 he published ‘The Solitary,’ a poem in the Spenserian stanza, showing genuine imagination. The poem won the approval of Professor Wilson in the ‘Noctes Ambrosianæ,’ and of other critics of eminence. In 1834 appeared Whitehead's ‘Lives and Exploits of English Highwaymen’ (probably written some years earlier, the least worthy of his productions), and ‘The Autobiography of Jack Ketch,’ a burlesque biography of the hangman, which contained a remarkable episodical story of serious intent, ‘The Confession of James Wilson.’ Whitehead's vivid blank-verse drama, ‘The Cavalier,’ the plot of which is laid in Restoration times, was produced at the Haymarket Theatre on 15 Sept. 1836, with Ellen Tree and Vandenhoff in the principal parts, and has been revived more than once, notably at the Lyceum Theatre in 1856.

Owing to the success of Whitehead's ‘Jack Ketch,’ Messrs. Chapman & Hall invited him to write the letterpress to a monthly issue of a humorous kind, to which Robert Seymour [q. v.] was to furnish the illustrations. Pleading inability to produce the copy with sufficient regularity, Whitehead recommended his friend Charles Dickens for the work. The publishers acted on the recommendation, and the result was the ‘Pickwick Papers.’ A further point of contact between Whitehead and Dickens consisted in Whitehead's revising in 1846 ‘The Memoirs of Grimaldi,’ which had been edited by Dickens in 1838 under the pseudonym of ‘Boz.’ Whitehead's masterpiece, ‘Richard Savage’ (1842), illustrated by Leech, a romance, partly founded on Dr. Johnson's life of Savage, was much admired by Dickens. It was dramatised, and the play ran for nearly thirty nights at the Surrey Theatre. A new edition of the novel, with an introduction by Harvey Orrinsmith, was published in 1896. Included in ‘The Solitary and other Poems’ (1849), a collected edition of Whitehead's poetical work, is his most remarkable sonnet beginning ‘As yonder lamp in my vacated room,’ which Dante Rossetti described as ‘very fine.’

Whitehead belonged to the Mulberry Club, of which Douglas Jerrold and other wits were members, and was acquainted with all the famous men of letters of his day. When ‘Richard Savage’ appeared he had every prospect of success in literature, but intemperance wrecked his career. He went to Australia in 1857, with the hope of recovering his position. He contributed to the ‘Melbourne Punch,’ and he printed in the ‘Victorian Monthly Magazine’ the ‘Spanish Marriage,’ a fragment of poetic drama possessing considerable merit. Whitehead's personal qualities, despite his infirmities of disposition, endeared him to those who knew him well, and an admirer of his literary talent gave him an asylum at his house in Melbourne, but he furtively made his escape from the restrictions of respectability. He sank into abject want, and died miserably in a Melbourne hospital on 5 July 1862. He was buried in a pauper's grave, and the authorities refused the request made by friends, when they heard for the first time of his sad end, to remove his remains to a fitting tomb. His publisher and warm well-wisher, George Bentley, described him as a ‘refined scholarly man … with thoughtful, almost penetrating eyes.’

Whitehead was a frequent contributor to magazines, particularly to ‘Bentley's Miscellany,’ He also published ‘Victoria Victrix,’ a poem (1838), ‘The Earl of Essex’ (1843), ‘Smiles and Tears,’ a series of collected stories (1847), and ‘A Life of Sir Walter Ralegh’ (1854).

[Mackenzie Bell's Charles Whitehead, a monograph, with extracts from his works.]



  書評されたアメリカ版は第1巻のみInternet Archive には入っていました。――


C.[harles] Whitehead, Esq., Lives and Exploits of English Highwaymen, Pirates, and Robbers.  Drawn from the Earliest and Most Authentic Sources, and Brought Down to the Present Time.  In two volumes.  Philadelphia: E. L. Carey and A. Hart, 1835.   Vol. 1   207pp.  E-text@ Internet Archive [University of Wisconsin; Google] <>

  1883年に出版された版だと、タイトルの副題のところが違っていて、 "By Capt. Charles Johnson" という人名も賦与されています。ホワイトヘッドは "With Additons by C. Whitehead, Esq." と、追補的な部分のみの執筆に関わるような趣です。――


Lives and Exploits of English Highwaymen, Pirates, and Robbers; Drawn from the Most Authentic Sources, by Capt. Charles Johnson, with Additions by C. Whitehead.  Embellished with Twelve Spiritted Engravings.  London: Printed for the Booksellers, 1883.  [Printed by Walter Scott, "The Kenilworth Press].  422pp.  E-text@ Internet Archive [University of Wisconsin; Google] <>


Lives of the English Pirates, Highwaymen and Robbers, by Whitehead.  Philadelphia: Carey and Hart   These lines [sic → lives] will be read in spite of all that a too fastidious taste may say to the contrary.  We see no very good reason why they should not be.  [Southern Literary Messenger, April 1835: 459]

 "lines" は "lives" の誤植、というのはポーリンの注です。詩行じゃないからlives ですかね、やはり。


[ENGLISH HIGHWAYMEN:]  Robin Hood; Thomas Dun; Sir Gosselin Denville; Sawney Beane; Thomas Wynne; Thomas Witherington; James Batson; John Cottington, called "The Bonnie Boy"; Captin Philip Staffford; Claude du Vall; Captain Dudley; Jonathan Simpson; William Davis, called "The Golden Farmer"; William Nevison; William Cady; Patrick O'Brien; Thomas Rumbold; Thomas Simpson, called "Old Mob"; John Bird; Thomas Cox; Colonel Jack; Captain Howard; Nathaniel Hawes; Tom Roaland and Frank Osborn; James Whitney; The Waltham Blacks; Timothy Buckeley; Thomas Jones; Arthur Chambers; John Ovet; Captain Evans; THomas Dorbel; Dick Adams; William Gettings, called "the Hereford Boys"; Edward Bonnet; Richard Keele; Will Ogden and Tom Reynolds; John Price; Joseph Blake; Jack Shepherd; Jonathan Wild; Richard Turpin; Henry Cook; Henry Simms, called "Young Gentleman Harry"; James Maclaine; Eugne Aram; George Barrington.

[ENGLISH PIRATES:] Sir Henry Morgan; Captain Avery; Captain Martel; Captain Teach, called "Blackbeard"; Captain Charles Vale; Captain John Rackham; Captain Edward England; Captain Davis; Captain Roberts; Captain Kennedy; Captain WOrley; Captain Lowther; Captain Spriggs; Captain Roche; Captain Gow; Captain Upton; Captain Edward Low; Paul Jones.

   しかし、書評の対象となった1835年アメリカ版初版の第1巻はつぎの並びです。―― Robin Hood; Sir Gosselin Denville; Sawney Beane; Thomas Wynne; Thomas WItherington; James Batson; Mulled Sack, alias John Cottington; Captain James Hind; Moll Cutpurse; Captain Philip Stafford; The German Princeses; Claude Du Vall; Captain Dudley; William Nevison; Jonathan Simpson; William Cady; Patrick O'Brien; Thomas Rumbold; The Golden Farmer; Nan Herford; Jack Bird; Old Mob; Tom Cox; Whitney; Tim Buckeley; Tom Jones; Arthur Chambers; Tom Sharp; Harvey Hutchins; Ann Harris; Dick Morris; Stephen Bunce; Jack Ovet; Captain Evans; Tom Dorbel.

  本文の最初はどちらもRobin Hood ですけれど、なんか文章が違うみたい。他の人を見ても、ぜんぜん違うみたい。でも無署名の序文 (Preface) は同じ筆者であるかのように、冒頭の1,2の段落を除いて、文章が重なっています。



Lives and Exploits of the Most Noted Highwaymen, Robbers and Murderers, of All Nations, Drawn from the Most Authentic Sources and Brought Down to the Present Time.  With Numerous Engravings.  Hartford: Silas Andrus and Son, 1854.  287pp. e-text @Internet Archive [New York Public Library; Google] <>

  コネティカット州ハートフォードで1854年に出版。海賊が抜け、追剥と盗賊に加わったのが殺人者 Murderers です。おーこわ。

Claude Du Vall;Sawney Beane; Thomas Wynne; Thomas Witherington; James Batson; Mulled Sack, alias John Cottington; Capt. James Hind; The German Princess; Capt. Dudley; William Nevison; The Golden Farmer; Jonathan Simpson; William Cady; Patrick O'Brien; Thomas Rumbold; Whitney; Tim Buckeley; Tom Jones; Arthur Chambers; Stephen Bunce; Jack Ovet; Tom Dorbel; Dick Adams; William Gettings; Ned Bonnet; Will Ogden and Tom Reynolds; John Price; Jack Shepherd; Richard Turpin; Henry Simms; James Maclaine; Eugene Aram; George Barrington; James Porter.



   "Claude Du Val" を見たら、1835年の本の "Claude Du Val" と同じでした。もはや編者・著者名よりも中身とタイトルで勝負、みたいな。 いや、むしろ海賊版ということですかね。(1883年の本の "Claude du Val" は違っているようです。)


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ポーが書評した本 (19) ロートン・オズボーンの『詩人の告白』 (1835) Books Reviewed by Poe (19): _The Confessions of a Poet_ by Laughton Osborn (1835) [ポーの書評 Poe's Book Reviews]

続いて、ポーの最初期の批評(と想定されている文章)の中から、順番でいうと、雑誌紹介2篇に続く『サミュエル・ドル―伝』のつぎの『ナポレオン伝』のつぎの『万国著名裁判』のつぎの『ノー・フィクション――最近の興味深い事実に基づいた物語』 のつぎの『万国著名女性回顧録』のつぎの『感化力――道徳物語』のつぎの『英国海賊、追剥、盗賊伝』のつぎの記事(『サザン・リテラリー・メッセンジャー』誌1835年4月号 "Critical Notices" 459ページ)。

Anonymous [Laughton Osborn], The Confessions of a Poet by Himself.  Philadelphia: Carey, Lea & Blanchard, 1835. 

匿名の著者 [ロートン・オズボーン]  『詩人の告白』  フィラデルフィア: ケアリー・リー・アンド・ブランシャード、1835年

  ロートン・オズボーン Laughton Osborn, 1809-78 はニューヨークの作家、脚本家、のようで、ポーのエッセイ・シリーズ「ニューヨークの文人たち The Literati of New York City」でもとりあげられることになります (『ゴーディーズ・レイディーズ・ブック Godey's Lady's Book』誌1846年6月号)(そっちを読むと、別の作家のジョン・ニールJohn Neal が著者だとのうわさを信じて勘違いしていたようす)。この、長めの短評は、ポーの "slashing" 〔ムチをふるう, 切りつける; 辛辣な, 痛烈な〕と呼ばれるスタイルの最初のものとされています。


[Review of Laughton Osborn’s Confessions of a Poet] (Southern Literary Messenger, April 1835)

Confessions of a Poet,  2 vols.  Carey, Lea and Blanchard.  The most remarkable feature in this production is the bad paper on which it is printed, and the typographical ingenuity with which matter barely enough for one volume has been spread over the pages of two.  The author has very few claims to the sacred name he has thought proper to assume.  And indeed his own idea on this subject seem not to satisfy himself.  He is in doubt, poor man, of his own qualifications, and having proclaimed himself a poet in the title page, commences his book by disavowing all pretensions to the character.  We can englighten him on this head.  There is nothing of the vates [?] about him.  He is no poet―and most positively he is no prophet.  He is a writer of notes.  He is fond of annotations; and composes one upon another, putting Pelican upon Ossa.  Here is an example: "Ce n'est pas par affectation que j'aie mis en Francais ces remarques, mais pour les detourner de la connoissance du vulgaire."  Now we are very sure that none but le vulgaire, to speak poetically, will ever think of getting through with the confessions: thus there the matter stands.  Lest his book should not be understood he illustrates it by notes, and then lest the notes should be understood, why he writes them in French.  All this is very clear, and very clever to say no more.  There is however some merit in this book, and not a little satisfaction.  The author avers upon his word of honor that in commencing this work he loads a pistol, and places it upon the table.  He farther states that, upon coming to a conclusion, it is his intention to blow out what he supposes to be his brains.  Now this is excellent.  But, even with so rapid a writer as the poet must undoubtedly be, there would be some little difficulty in completing the book under thirty days or thereabouts.  The best of powders is apt to sustain injury by lying so long "in the load."  We sincerely hope the gentleman took the precaution to examine his priming before attempting the rash act.  A flash in the pan―and in such a case―were a thing to be lamented.  Indeed there would be no answering for the consequences.  We might even have a second series of the Confessions.  [Southern Literary Messenger, April 1835: 459]

 紙質の悪さをまず言い、1巻でおさまるものを2巻にする体裁の才に皮肉を言い、標題で詩人を称しながらすぐに自己否定するおかしさを笑い〔確かに冒頭で自分は詩人ではなく、詩を発表していない、とか書いている〕、注に注を重ね〔16ページの注への注(a)(b)みたいな, あるいは83ページみたいな〕、わけのわからぬフランス語によって注が成立しないことを笑い、初めにタマをこめたピストルをテーブルに置いて自殺をほのめかす著者の滑稽さを嗤います〔書くのがいくら速いからといって、30日じゃ書きあがらんだろうし、そんなにもつ弾薬はないよ、みたいな揶揄をしてます〕。(でも、本を見てみると、オズボーンは全体をフィクションとして書いているようであり、よくわからんところがあります。)



Anonymous [Laughton Osborn], The Confessions of a Poet by Himself.  Philadelphia: Carey, Lea & Blanchard, 1835.    Vol. 1.  240pp. e-text @Internet Archive [New York Public Library; Google] <>


Anonymous [Laughton Osborn], The Confessions of a Poet by Himself.  Philadelphia: Carey, Lea & Blanchard, 1835.    Vol. 2.  287pp. e-text @Internet Archive [New York Public Library; Google] <


[Laughton Osborn]  The Vision of Rubeta: An Epic Story of the Island of Manhattan.  With Illustrations, Done on Stone.  Boston: Weeks, Jordan, 1838.  <> 〔ポーリンの注釈によれば『詩人の告白』に対する諸方面からの悪評に対する詩的応酬ということだけれど、よくわかりません〕

[Laughton Osborn]  Handbook of Young Artists and Amateurs in Oilpainting Being Chiefly a Condensed Compilation from the Celebrated Manual or Bouvier, with Additional Matter Selected from the Labors of Merimet, De Montabert and Other Distingushed Continental Writers in the Art in Seven Parts ....  By and American Artist.  New York: John Wiley, 1849.  <>   〔ほんとうに画家だったのかしら〕



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ポーが書評した本 (20) 『花言葉』 (1835) Books Reviewed by Poe (20): _The Language of Flowers_ (1835) [ポーの書評 Poe's Book Reviews]

続いて、ポーの最初期の批評(と想定されている文章)の中から、順番でいうと、雑誌紹介2篇に続く『サミュエル・ドル―伝』のつぎの『ナポレオン伝』のつぎの『万国著名裁判』のつぎの『ノー・フィクション――最近の興味深い事実に基づいた物語』 のつぎの『万国著名女性回顧録』のつぎの『感化力――道徳物語』のつぎの『英国海賊、追剥、盗賊伝』のつぎの『詩人の告白』のつぎの記事(『サザン・リテラリー・メッセンジャー』誌1835年4月号 "Critical Notices" 459ページ)。

Anonymous, The Language of Flowers.  Philadelphia: Carey, Hart and Co., 1835. 

匿名の著者  『花言葉』  フィラデルフィア: ケアリー・ハート・アンド・カンパニー、1835年

  調べてみると、おそらく Frederic Shoberl, 1775-1853 の編んだ本を Louise Cortambert という女性が英訳したものではないか。

  ポーリンはとりたてて注釈はつけていませんが、20世紀の詩人のリチャード・ウィルバーが、むかしDell という出版社から出たパーパーバック版の世界の詩人のアンソロジーの監修・編者となり、ウィルバー自身が注釈したポーの巻で、ポーの作品に出てくる花が花言葉的な意味を持っているというようなことを注記していたような記憶があります。


[Review of The Language of Flowers] (Southern Literary Messenger, April 1835)

The Language of Flowers, embellished with fine colored engravings.  Philadelphia, Carery, Hart and Co.  This is a book which will find favor in the eyes of the ladies, and thus par consequence in the eyes of the gentlemen.  Its motto is pretty and apposite:
                     By all those token-flowers that tell
                     What words can never speak so well.

  [Southern Literary Messenger, April 1835: 459]



Anonymous, The Language of Flowers.  London: Saunders and Otley, 1834.  316pp. e-text @Internet Archive [Oxford University; Google] <>


Anonymous [Revised by the Editor of "Forget Me Not"], The Language of Flowers with Illustrative Poetry; To Which Are Now First Added the Calandar of Flowers and the Dial of Flowers. Fourth Edition.  Revised by the Editor of "Forget Me Not." London: Saunders and Otley, 1835.  362pp. e-text @Internet Archive [Oxford University; Google] <

  で、この1835年のがアメリカ版のもとかな、と思ったのは、1839年にフィラデルフィアで出版されたアメリカ版のタイトルページの記載です。とても美しいe-book です。――


Anonymous [Revised by the Editor of "Forget Me Not"], The Language of Flowers with Illustrative Poetry; To Which Is Now First Added the Calandar of Flowers.  Revised by the Editor of "Forget Me Not."  Fifth American Edition.  Philadelphia: Lea & Blanchard, Successors to Carey & Co., 1839.  360pp. e-text @Internet Archive [Pennsylvania Horticultural Society, McLean Library; LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation] <




Anonymous [Revised by the Editor of "Forget Me Not"], The Language of Flowers with Illustrative Poetry; To Which Are Now Added the Calandar of Flowers and the Dial of Flowers.  Eighth American, from the Tenth London Edition.  Revised by the Editor of "Forget Me Not."   Philadelphia: Lea & Blanchard, 1848.  374pp. e-text @Internet Archive [Harvard University; Google] <>  


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花言葉の辞典 Dictionary of the Language of Flowers [辞書・辞典・事典類]

まえの記事(「ポーが書評した本 (20) 『花言葉』 (1835) Books Reviewed by Poe (20): _The Language of Flowers_ (1835)」)で、ポーが書評を書いた花言葉の本を紹介して、こんなふうに書いた。「とても美しいe-bookです」と。――

1839 年にフィラデルフィアで出版されたアメリカ版のタイトルページの記載です。とても美しいe-book です。――


Anonymous [Revised by the Editor of "Forget Me Not"], The Language of Flowers with Illustrative Poetry; To Which Is Now First Added the Calandar of Flowers.  Revised by the Editor of "Forget Me Not."  Fifth American Edition.  Philadelphia: Lea & Blanchard, Successors to Carey & Co., 1839.  360pp. e-text @Internet Archive [Pennsylvania Horticultural Society, McLean Library; LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation] <



 The Language of Flowers
Edited by Miss Ildrewe.  With an Introduction from Thomas Miller.  Illustrated by Colored Plates, and Numerous Woodcuts, after Gustave Doré, Daubigny, Timms, and others.  Boston: De Vries, Ibarra, and Company, 1865.  216pp. e-text @Internet Archive [Cornell University Library; MSN]  <>  〔前の記事に合わせて 春の花のalmond アーモンド、アマンド をリンクしておきます〕







Dictionary of the Language of Flowers (pp. 105-156) <>



  それから、Dictionary for Translating a Bouquet (pp. 157-173)  花束をもらったときにその意味を翻訳するための辞典・・・・・・実用的だわ~w。





  そしてAppendix があって、




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ポーが書評した本 (21) エッジワースの『実践的教育』 (1798; 1835) Books Reviewed by Poe (21): _Practical Education_ by Maria and Richard Edgeworth (1798; 1835) [ポーの書評 Poe's Book Reviews]

続いて、ポーの最初期の批評(と想定されている文章)の中から、順番でいうと、雑誌紹介2篇に続く『サミュエル・ドル―伝』の つぎの『ナポレオン伝』のつぎの『万国著名裁判』のつぎの『ノー・フィクション――最近の興味深い事実に基づいた物語』 のつぎの『万国著名女性回顧録』のつぎの『感化力――道徳物語』のつぎの『英国海賊、追剥、盗賊伝』のつぎの『詩人の告白』のつ ぎの『花言葉』のつぎの記事(『サザン・リテラリー・メッセンジャー』誌1835年4月号 "Critical Notices" 459ページ)。

Maria Edgeworth and Richard Lovell Edgeworth.  Practical Education.  1798.  Rpt.  New York: Harper & Brothers, 1835. 

マライア・エッジワース、リチャード・ラヴェル・エッジワース共著 『実践的教育』  ニューヨーク: ハーパー、1835年

Joseph Slater, Portrait of Maria Edgeworth.  imege via MyArtPrints <>

   いまは小説家として(とくにCastle Rackrent (1800)の作家として)知られるマライア・エッジワース Maria Edgeworth, 1768-1849 が父親のリチャードと共著で18世紀末に著わした本の、アメリカでの再刊本。ジャン・ジャック・ルソーの教育論とジョン・ロックの人間論を反映していると いわれます。この父娘の関係もウィリアム・ゴドウィンとメアリー・シェリーのように、また、ブロンソン・オルコットとルイーザ・メイ・オルコットのように(創作に絡んで)複雑そうで興味深いのですが(「醜いわが子――子らよのパート3 My Hideous Progeny: My Chillun, Part 3」参照)、それはまたどこかで。



[Review of Practical Education] (Southern Literary Messenger, April 1835)

Mr. and Miss Edgeworth's Practical Education has been republished by the Harpers.  Its character is well established.  [Southern Literary Messenger, April 1835: 459]

  (Its characters の Its というのはハーパーズ社のことでしょうか。)この版が Internet Archive に見つかります。――


Practical Education.  By Maria Edgeworth, Author of "Letters for Literary Ladies," &c.  And, by Richard Lovell Edgeworth, F. R. S. and M. R. I. A.   Complete in One Volume.  New-York: Harper & Brothers, 1835.  549pp. e-text @Internet Archive [New York Public Library; Google] <>


"Maria Edgeworth" Wikipedia <>

"Practical Education" Wikipedia <>  

イギリス初版 (London, 1798)

アメリカ初版 New York: Brown and Stansbury, 1801.  2vols. <>


マ ライア・エッジワースの長篇小説@Wikipedia――  Castle Rackrent (1800), Belinda (1801), Leonora (1806), The Absentee (1812), Patronage (1814), Harrington (1817), Ormond (1817), Helen (1834)

"13 Women of Literature" Rasmenia 2009.3.5 <> 〔a funny blog article

Maria Edgeworth (1768-1849), daguerreotype, 54x44mm, by Richard Beard (c. 1841).



Letters for Literary Ladies, to Which Is Added, an Noble Science of Self-Justification.  London: J. Johnson, 1795.  マライア・エッジワースの処女作。書簡体のプロパガンダ。ウィキペディアの記事を引いておきます。――Edgeworth's first published work was Letters for Literary Ladies in 1795. Her work, "An Essay on the Noble Science of Self-Justification" (1795) is written for a female audience in which she convinces women that the fair sex is endowed with an art of self-justification and women should use their gifts to continually challenge the force and power of men, especially their husbands, with wit and intelligence. It humorously and satirically explores the feminine argumentative method.[14] This was followed in 1796 by her first children's book, The Parent's Assistant (which included Edgeworth's celebrated short story The Purple Jar). The Parent's Assistant was influenced by her father's work and perspectives on childrens education.[3] 


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ポーが書評した本 (22) フレイザーの『ハイランドの密輸人』 (1835) Books Reviewed by Poe (22): _The Highland Smugglers_ by James B. Fraser (1835) [ポーの書評 Poe's Book Reviews]

続いて、ポーの最初期の批評(と想定されている文章)の中から、順番でいうと、雑誌紹介2篇に続く『サミュエル・ドル―伝』のつぎの『ナポレオン伝』のつぎの『万国著名裁判』のつぎの『ノー・フィクション――最近の興味深い事実に基づいた物語』 のつぎの『万国著名女性回顧録』のつぎの『感化力――道徳物語』のつぎの『英国海賊、追剥、盗賊伝』のつぎの『詩人の告白』のつぎの『花言葉』のつぎの『実践的教育』のつぎの記事(『サザン・リテラリー・メッセンジャー』誌1835年4月号 "Critical Notices" 459ページ)。

James B. Fraser.  The Highland Smugglers.  Philadelphia: Carey, Hart and Co., 1835. 

ジェイムズ・B・フレイザー著 『ハイランドの密輸人』  フィラデルフィア: ケアリー・ハート・アンド・カンパニー、1835年

  フレイザーはスコットランドの作家で、旅行記で知られた人。James Baillie Fraser, 1783-1856。

"James Baillie Fraser," Wikipedia <>

A view of Calcutta in 1819 by R Havell, Jr. based on James Baillie Fraser. image via Wikipedia

      Online Books by James Baillie Fraser @Online Books <> が、E-text 情報豊富です。Open Library には2作品しかない <>。




[Review of The Highland Smugglers] (Southern Literary Messenger, April 1835)

The Highland Smugglers.  By the author of Adventures of a Kussilbush [sic → Kuzzilbash], &c.  3 vols.  Carey, Hart and Co.  This book is very much praised and we think justly.  It is full of exquisite descriptions of that region of romance the Scottish Highlands, and has a manner of its own[Southern Literary Messenger, April 1835: 459]


The Highland Smugglers.  By the Author of "Adventures of a Kuzzilbash," "Persian Adventurer," &c.  In Three Volumes.  Philadelphia: E. L. Carey & A. Hart; Baltimore: Carey, Hart & Co., 1835.  e-text @Internet Archive [University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign] Vol. 1: <>; Vol. 2: <>; Vol. 3: <>


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ポーが書評した本 (23) ロックハートの『ウァレリウス』 (1821; 1835) Books Reviewed by Poe (23): _Valerius_ by John G. Lockhart (1821; 1835) [ポーの書評 Poe's Book Reviews]

続いて、ポーの最初期の批評(と想定されている文章)の中から、順番でいうと、雑誌紹介2篇に続く『サミュエル・ドル―伝』のつぎの『ナポレオン伝』のつぎの『万国著名裁判』のつぎの『ノー・フィクション――最近の興味深い事実に基づいた物語』 のつぎの『万国著名女性回顧録』のつぎの『感化力――道徳物語』のつぎの『英国海賊、追剥、盗賊伝』のつぎの『詩人の告白』のつぎの『花言葉』のつぎの『実践的教育』のつぎの『ハイランドの密輸人』のつぎの記事(『サザン・リテラリー・メッセンジャー』誌1835年4月号 "Critical Notices" 459ページ)。

John G. Lockhart.  Valerius.  New York: Harper & Brothers, 1835. 

ジョン・G・ロックハート著 『ウァレリウス』  ニューヨーク: ハーパー、1835年

  ロックハート John G.[ibson] Lockhart, 1794-1854は、エディンバラの『ブラックウッド』誌で活躍した作家で、Quarterly Review の編集者でもあり、ポーにはなじみの名前。History of Napoleon (1829)を書いているので、「ポーが書評した本 (13) 『皇帝ナポレオンの生涯』 第1巻 (1835) Books Reviewed by Poe (13): _The Life of the Emperor Napoleon_ by H. Lee (1835)」で(ポーも言及している関係もあり)言及しました。

John Gibson Lockhart, image via Wikipedia <> 


Robert Scott Lauder (1803-1869), Mr. and Mrs. John Gibson Lockhart (c1838; National Galleries of Scotland).  Oil on canvas; 76.8 x 64.8 cm.  image via Wikipedia


[Review of Valerius] (Southern Literary Messenger, April 1835)

Mr. Lockhart's excellent novel Valerius, is republished by the Harpers.  The scene is in the time of Trajan, and the subject is managed in that masterly style which we look for in Lockhart.  We have heard objections urged to the antique nature of his tale―ill-mannered sneers, and by men who should know better, at travelling back to Roman history for interest which could as well be found at home.  Procul―O procul este profani!  Valerius is a book to live[Southern Literary Messenger, April 1835: 459]

  ラテン語 Procul―O procul este profani! は、ウェルギリウス Virgil の『アイニーアス』Aenead の第6巻257行にある詩句みたい。"Be far (off), O be gone far, you unitiated." みたいな感じ。「遠く離れていろ、参入せざる者たち〔卑俗な者たち〕よ」。

  物語は、父親がローマ人で母親がブリトン人である息子が語り手になっているみたい(読んじゃおらんです)。ウァレリウスは何人もいるけれど、1世紀の詩人の Gaius Valerius Flaccus らしい。


Valerius(Harper, 1835).jpg

 John G. Lockhart.  Valerius: A Roman Story.  New York: Harper & Brothers, 1835.  2 vols.  e-text @Internet Archive [New York Public Library; Google] Vol. 1: <>


[John G. Lockhart]  Valerius; A Roman Story.   Edinburgh: William Blackwood, 1821.  e-text@ Internet Archive [University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign]  Vol. 1: <>; Vol. 2: <>; Vol. 3: <>.


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ポーが書評した本 (24) デイヴィー・クロケットの『北へ東へカーネル・クロケットの旅の記』 (1835) Books Reviewed by Poe (24): _An Account of Col. Crockett's Tour to the North and Down East_ by Himself [ポーの書評 Poe's Book Reviews]

続いて、ポーの最初期の批評(と想定されている文章)の中から、順番でいうと、雑誌紹介2篇に続く『サミュエル・ドル―伝』のつぎの『ナポレオン伝』のつぎの『万国著名裁判』のつぎの『ノー・フィクション――最近の興味深い事実に基づいた物語』 のつぎの『万国著名女性回顧録』のつぎの『感化力――道徳物語』のつぎの『英国海賊、追剥、盗賊伝』のつぎの『詩人の告白』のつぎの『花言葉』のつぎの『実践的教育』のつぎの『ハイランドの密輸人』のつぎの『ウァレリウス』のつぎの記事(『サザン・リテラリー・メッセンジャー』誌1835年4月号 "Critical Notices" 459ページ)。

David Crockett.  An Account of Col. Crockett's Tour to the North and Down East, written by himself.  Philadelphia: Carey, Hart and Co., 1835. 

デイヴィッド・クロケット著 『北へ東へカーネル・クロケットの旅の記』   フィラデルフィア: ケアリー・アンド・ハート、1835年

  デイヴィッド(「デイヴィー」)・クロケット David ["Davy"] Crockett, 1786-1836 はテネシー出身の軍人・政治家で、「アライグマの皮を着た国会議員」の異名をとって、下院議員を1820年代から1835年まで勤めているけれど、いわゆる frontiersman として、辺境(フロンティア)のほら話や tall tales や自慢話 brag で有名であり、アラモ砦の防衛で敗れて戦死して伝説的な英雄となったひと。Alamo については、先の記事「ポーが書評した本 (4) 『テキサスの歴史』 (1836) Books Reviewed by Poe (4): _The History of Texas_ by David E. Edward」で記したように、1836年春のことです。

David Crockett (1834), by Chester Harding.   Oil on canvas 76.2 x 63.5cm
image via Wikipedia <> 


David Crockett, by John Gadsby Chapman.  Oil on canvas; 76.8 x 64.8 cm.  image via Wikipedia
Source: Art Collection, Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, The University of Texas at Austin. <>


[Review - An Account of Col. Crockett's Tour to the North and Down East] (Southern Literary Messenger, April 1835)

An Account of Col. Crockett's Tour to the North and Down East, written by himself.  Carey, Hart and Co.  We see no reason why Col. Crockett should not be permitted to expose himself if he pleases, and to be as much laughed at as he thinks properbut works of this kind have had their day, and have fortunately lost their attractions.  We think this work especially censurable for the frequent vulgarity of its language.  [Southern Literary Messenger, April 1835: 459]





[David Crockett]  An Account of Col. Crockett's Tour to the North and Down East, in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty-Four.  His Object Being to Examine the Grand Manufacturing Establishments of the Country; and Also to Find Out the Condition of Its Literature and Morals, the Extent of Its Commerce and the Practical Operation of "The Experiment."  Written by himself.   Philadelphia: E. L. Carey and A. Hart, 1835.   E-text @Internet Archive: The Library of Congress; Sloan Foundation <>; <>


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『万国著名裁判』 (1835)の広告  Advertisement of _Celebrated Trials of all Countries_ (1835) [Marginalia 余白に]

直前の記事「ポーが書評した本 (24) デイヴィー・クロケットの『北へ東へカーネル・クロケットの旅の記』 (1835) Books Reviewed by Poe (24): _An Account of Col. Crockett's Tour to the North and Down East_ by Himself」でとりあげた本――フィラデルフィアのケアリー・アンド・ハート社の出版物――をパラパラ踊りながらめくっていたら、巻末に35ページにおよぶ出版カタログがついていました。そして冒頭にはひと月前に「ポーが書評した本 (14) 『万国著名裁判』 (1835) Books Reviewed by Poe (14): _Celebrated Trials of all Countries_ (1835)」でとりあげた本の広告が特別に載っていました。

Catalogue of a Valueble and Useful Collection of Books, in the Various Departments of Science, [Many of Which Have Been Recently Imported,] for Sale by E. L. Carey & Hart, Corner of Chesnut and Fourth Streets, Philadelphia





      FROM THE

       EDITED BY



     Till the publication of the present volume, the English language was possessed of no popular collection of celebrated trials and remarkable cases of criminal jurisprudence.
     The Newgate Calenders [sic], as chroniclers of roguery and vulgar depravity in their various forms, have usually been compiled in language which sympathize and accord with their subjects.
     The State Trials, in seeking to exhaust all the legal and technical details, degenerate into intolerable dullness, and are useful only as a body of information, to be consulted by professional men in regard to analogous cases which present themselves in practice; though, in this respect, they are so valuable, that no law library ought to be without them.
     At the same time, in forming a selection of interesting and important trials from the range of the juridical proceedings of various nations, the editor has adopted no existing model.  The only one similar in its general object is the voluminous series, in the French language, entitled Causes Celebres.  The best cases in that celebrated work have been transferred to this volume.
     The editor is aware that the interest of a trial often turns on small points, and is increased by the reader being, as it were, carried into court.  This important principle he has never lost sight of; and in proof, he may refer to the verbal examinations which he has retained, whenever they are connected with the jet of the case, or with historical personages, and curious traits of manners.  If the general reader has reason to find any fault with the work, it will rather be with the minutiae of detail, than with any deficiency.  

  タイトル、ちょっと違っていますけど(「万国」が入った・・・・・・このころ流行っていたのかしら、マダム・ジュノーの著名女性回顧録も "all countries" が付いていたし・・・・・・マニフェスト・デステニー manifest destiny の喧伝は10年あとだけれど、アメリカの意識が北アメリカ大陸も越えて世界に向いていたとかいうことかしら)、ジョン・ジェイ・スミス John Jay Smith の本です。――






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