有蓋橋(屋根付き橋) (増改版) Covered Bridges (Revised) [モノ things]
Clara E. Wagemann, Covered Bridges of New England (1931).
残念ながらこの本はInternet Archive 等で探ってもE-text 化されていないようです。
Benjamin D. Evans and June R. Evans, New England's Covered Bridges: A Complete Guide (UPNE [University Press of New England], 2004). 368pp.
Editorial Reviews
"The Evanses provide a clear description of the various styles of covered-bridge design and construction, as well as details of each bridge."--Boston Globe
"In this new book we have one of the best covered bridge guidebooks we have ever seen. There is at least one color photograph (excellent) of every authentic covered bridge still standing In New England. The authors have taken great pains to give the known facts on each bridge such as building date and truss type, plus very clear directions to there bridges. You have to have this book if you are planning a bridging trip to New England. It is a great addition to any 'bridger's' library even if you are an armchair traveler."--Bridges and Byways newsletter of Ohio Historic Bridge Association
"New England's Covered Bridges: A Complete Guide . . . is complete. For a bridge enthusiast, it is as all-inclusive, information-speaking, as you can get."--Hippo Press (Manchester, NH)
"[A] comprehensive book."--Burlington Free PressReview
"Benjamin and June Evans' New England's Covered Bridges is the first summation in a quarter century of the region's rich legacy of wooden bridges. Meticulously researched, carefully written, and beautifully illustrated, the book takes its place as the standard guide for a region that cherishes some of the oldest, newest, longest, and strongest of America's covered bridges." (James L. Garvin, New Hampshire State Architectural Historian)
Ed Barna, Covered Bridges of Vermont (Countryman P, 2000). 216pp.

image via vtliving.com―ヴァーモント州Stowe の Emily's Bridge は幽霊が出ると噂されている。
Covered bridges were built by Europeans in the Middle Ages, but the 19th century brought a new and distinctly American twist to this engineering form. The first covered bridge in the United States was built in Philadelphia in 1805; by the 1870s, more than 10,000 covered bridges were built in almost every state in America.
Today only about 750 covered bridges remain, concentrated mostly in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Vermont, Indiana, New Hampshire, and Oregon. The National Society for the Preservation of Covered Bridges, founded in1950, has chapters in many states, and works to preserve and study and enjoy the bridges. <http://www.visit-newhampshire.com/nh_covered_bridges.html>
One fine day, having strolled out together, arm in arm, our route led us in the direction of a river. There was a bridge, and we resolved to cross it. It was roofed over, by way of protection from the weather, and the arch-way, having but few windows, was thus very uncomfortably dark. As we entered the passage, the contrast between the external glare, and the interior gloom, struck heavily upon my spirits. (Edgar Allan Poe, "Never Bet the Devil Your Head," Mabbott 2: 626) 〔ある晴れた日、腕を組んで一緒にそぞろ歩いた僕たちだが、道は川の方向にむかっていた。橋があったので、渡ることに決めた。橋には、風雨を防ぐために屋根がすっぽりかかっていて、窓もほとんどない通路は気分が悪いくらい暗かった。入ったとたんに、外の明るさに比べて中の陰鬱が僕の気を重たく滅入らせた。〕
In the meantime a thought struck me, and I threw open an adjacent window of the bridge; when the sad truth flushed upon me at once. About five feet just above the top of the turnstile, and crossing the arch of the foot-path so as to constitute a brace, there extended a flat iron bar, lying with its breadth horizontally, and forming one of a series that served to strengthen the structure throughtout its extent. With the edge of this brace it appeared evident that the neck of my unfortunate friend had come precisely in contact. (M 2: 631) (そのうち、考えがひらめて、僕は、そばの橋の窓をさっと引きあけた。すると悲しい真実が明らかになった。回転木戸の上5フィートくらいのところに、通路を横切って、鉄の棒が1本、梁(ハリ)として、アーチの端から端まで渡してあった。同様の支柱が橋の端から端までのあいだに何本も張られて、アーチを補強する仕組みになっている、その1本だった。僕の友人の首がこの梁のエッジに、精確に接触してしまったのだ。)
kaoru さん、nice ありがとうございました。
by morichanの父 (2011-02-25 11:08)