
ポーが書評した本 (19) ロートン・オズボーンの『詩人の告白』 (1835) Books Reviewed by Poe (19): _The Confessions of a Poet_ by Laughton Osborn (1835) [ポーの書評 Poe's Book Reviews]

続いて、ポーの最初期の批評(と想定されている文章)の中から、順番でいうと、雑誌紹介2篇に続く『サミュエル・ドル―伝』のつぎの『ナポレオン伝』のつぎの『万国著名裁判』のつぎの『ノー・フィクション――最近の興味深い事実に基づいた物語』 のつぎの『万国著名女性回顧録』のつぎの『感化力――道徳物語』のつぎの『英国海賊、追剥、盗賊伝』のつぎの記事(『サザン・リテラリー・メッセンジャー』誌1835年4月号 "Critical Notices" 459ページ)。

Anonymous [Laughton Osborn], The Confessions of a Poet by Himself.  Philadelphia: Carey, Lea & Blanchard, 1835. 

匿名の著者 [ロートン・オズボーン]  『詩人の告白』  フィラデルフィア: ケアリー・リー・アンド・ブランシャード、1835年

  ロートン・オズボーン Laughton Osborn, 1809-78 はニューヨークの作家、脚本家、のようで、ポーのエッセイ・シリーズ「ニューヨークの文人たち The Literati of New York City」でもとりあげられることになります (『ゴーディーズ・レイディーズ・ブック Godey's Lady's Book』誌1846年6月号)(そっちを読むと、別の作家のジョン・ニールJohn Neal が著者だとのうわさを信じて勘違いしていたようす)。この、長めの短評は、ポーの "slashing" 〔ムチをふるう, 切りつける; 辛辣な, 痛烈な〕と呼ばれるスタイルの最初のものとされています。


[Review of Laughton Osborn’s Confessions of a Poet] (Southern Literary Messenger, April 1835)

Confessions of a Poet,  2 vols.  Carey, Lea and Blanchard.  The most remarkable feature in this production is the bad paper on which it is printed, and the typographical ingenuity with which matter barely enough for one volume has been spread over the pages of two.  The author has very few claims to the sacred name he has thought proper to assume.  And indeed his own idea on this subject seem not to satisfy himself.  He is in doubt, poor man, of his own qualifications, and having proclaimed himself a poet in the title page, commences his book by disavowing all pretensions to the character.  We can englighten him on this head.  There is nothing of the vates [?] about him.  He is no poet―and most positively he is no prophet.  He is a writer of notes.  He is fond of annotations; and composes one upon another, putting Pelican upon Ossa.  Here is an example: "Ce n'est pas par affectation que j'aie mis en Francais ces remarques, mais pour les detourner de la connoissance du vulgaire."  Now we are very sure that none but le vulgaire, to speak poetically, will ever think of getting through with the confessions: thus there the matter stands.  Lest his book should not be understood he illustrates it by notes, and then lest the notes should be understood, why he writes them in French.  All this is very clear, and very clever to say no more.  There is however some merit in this book, and not a little satisfaction.  The author avers upon his word of honor that in commencing this work he loads a pistol, and places it upon the table.  He farther states that, upon coming to a conclusion, it is his intention to blow out what he supposes to be his brains.  Now this is excellent.  But, even with so rapid a writer as the poet must undoubtedly be, there would be some little difficulty in completing the book under thirty days or thereabouts.  The best of powders is apt to sustain injury by lying so long "in the load."  We sincerely hope the gentleman took the precaution to examine his priming before attempting the rash act.  A flash in the pan―and in such a case―were a thing to be lamented.  Indeed there would be no answering for the consequences.  We might even have a second series of the Confessions.  [Southern Literary Messenger, April 1835: 459]

 紙質の悪さをまず言い、1巻でおさまるものを2巻にする体裁の才に皮肉を言い、標題で詩人を称しながらすぐに自己否定するおかしさを笑い〔確かに冒頭で自分は詩人ではなく、詩を発表していない、とか書いている〕、注に注を重ね〔16ページの注への注(a)(b)みたいな, あるいは83ページみたいな〕、わけのわからぬフランス語によって注が成立しないことを笑い、初めにタマをこめたピストルをテーブルに置いて自殺をほのめかす著者の滑稽さを嗤います〔書くのがいくら速いからといって、30日じゃ書きあがらんだろうし、そんなにもつ弾薬はないよ、みたいな揶揄をしてます〕。(でも、本を見てみると、オズボーンは全体をフィクションとして書いているようであり、よくわからんところがあります。)



Anonymous [Laughton Osborn], The Confessions of a Poet by Himself.  Philadelphia: Carey, Lea & Blanchard, 1835.    Vol. 1.  240pp. e-text @Internet Archive [New York Public Library; Google] <>


Anonymous [Laughton Osborn], The Confessions of a Poet by Himself.  Philadelphia: Carey, Lea & Blanchard, 1835.    Vol. 2.  287pp. e-text @Internet Archive [New York Public Library; Google] <


[Laughton Osborn]  The Vision of Rubeta: An Epic Story of the Island of Manhattan.  With Illustrations, Done on Stone.  Boston: Weeks, Jordan, 1838.  <> 〔ポーリンの注釈によれば『詩人の告白』に対する諸方面からの悪評に対する詩的応酬ということだけれど、よくわかりません〕

[Laughton Osborn]  Handbook of Young Artists and Amateurs in Oilpainting Being Chiefly a Condensed Compilation from the Celebrated Manual or Bouvier, with Additional Matter Selected from the Labors of Merimet, De Montabert and Other Distingushed Continental Writers in the Art in Seven Parts ....  By and American Artist.  New York: John Wiley, 1849.  <>   〔ほんとうに画家だったのかしら〕



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