
『あしながおじさん』公演広告 (1917) と同紙面の劇紹介記事 A Notice of the Play _Daddy-Long-Legs_ [Daddy-Long-Legs]

誰もつっこんでくれなかったし、自分でも忘れそうなくらいだったのですけど、ニュージーランドの新聞 The Evening Post, July 4, 1917 に載った公演広告と同じ紙面に、劇についての解説記事(公演前なので劇評にはなっていないけれど、紹介記事)が載っておりました。つぎの、こないだのブログ記事にノッケタ画像の右下、ニュージーランドを覆う気圧の図みたいなやつの下のほう――




   "Daddy Long-Legs"

   The first of the J. C. Williamsons' 1917
starring attractions will be the appear-
ance in Wellington of the distinguished
Canadian star actress, Kathlene Mac-
Donell, together with Charles Waldron
(who will be remembered by his very
excellent interpretation of the principal
role in "The Squaw man), and a par-
ticularly strong company, in Jean Web-
ster's phenomenally successful play,
"Daddy Long Legs," which is to be
presented at the Grand Opera House on
Wednesday night next.  This production
had a wonderful run in London and
New York, and more recently in Syd-
ney.  "There appears to be no ques-
tion in the mind of the spectator of
the play as to whether it is a true
transcript of the book, all that concerns
is the play, well balanced, well cast, and
well produced."  Thus runs the opinion
of one of the leading critics in Sydney.
"Daddy Long Legs" will be staged for
seven nights and a matinee.  The box
plans for the season will be open at the
Bristol next Monday morning, at 8 [9?]



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