
ジョン・スミスの『海の文法』 (1627) A Sea Grammar by John Smith (1627) [Marginalia 余白に]


ジョン・スミスが1627年にロンドンの John Haviland から公刊した A Sea Grammar について、日本語ウィキペディア「ジョン・スミス(探検家)」は「スミスの著作」の項で、「英語では初めての水夫の辞書」と記しています。がどうやら前年に刊行されたAn Accidence, or the Pathway to Experience Necessary for all Young Seamen (1626) (このタイトルはウィキペディアにも挙がっている)の改増版のようです。"Accidence" というのは「基本」とか「初歩」「基礎」というような意味です。"Grammar" も、まあ、「文法」といってもよいのでしょうけれど、「入門書」とか「手引き」という意味でもあります。「文法」は誤訳やろー、という声が聞こえなくもないですけれど、結局 accidence も grammar も文法のコトバなわけです、本来(文法用語としての accidence は今日は morphology というのがふつう)。長いタイトルを含む文献情報を、The Maritime History Virtual Archives というWEB サイトが記述しています。このサイト、すごいです。――

Smith, John: An Accidence, or The path-way to experience. Necessary for all young sea-men, or those that are desirous to goe to sea, briefly shewing the phrases, offices, and words of command, belonging to the building, ridging, and sayling, a man of warre; and how to manage a fight at Sea. Together with the charge and duty of every officer, and their shares: also the names, vveight, charge, shot, and powder, of all sorts of great ordnance. With the vse of the petty tally.
Printed by N. Okes for Ionas Man and Benjamin Fisher, London, 1626 (1st). 8vo, 13,5×7,5 cm, 38 pp.
RCA records (8), 42 pp & Roberts records 4to, iv, 42 pp. Other editions 1627 (2nd) and 1636 and enlarged in A Sea Grammar in 1627, 1653, 1691, 1692, 1699 and 1705. Reprinted 1884, 1895, 1907 and 1910 in The Complete Works of John Smith. JCB has a copy with a variant dedication to Sir Robert Heath on A2r.
〔"17th Century Maritime and Naval Dictionaries" <>〕

  同じサイトから、 A Sea Grammar の初版 (1627) の書誌情報――

Smith, John: A Sea Grammar, with the Plaine Exposition of Smiths Accidence for young Sea-men, enlarged. Diuided into fifteene Chapters: what they are you may partly conceiue by the Contents. Written by Captaine Iohn Smith, sometimes Gouernour of Virginia, and Admirall of Nevv-England.
Iohn Haviland, London, 1627. 8vo, 16,5×10,5 cm, (12), 76 pp. Pagination irregular 55=54, 54=55, 70 unnumbered, 83-86=73-76.
Facsimile: Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, Amsterdam, 1968.
Michael Joseph, London, 1970. 8vo, xxxii, 113 pp, 10 plates. Edited by Kermit Goell.
A second and expanded edition of An Accidence, or path-way to experience, first published in 1626.

    違う出版社とはいえ、ページが38 から76と倍増しています。でも Accidence のほうの Benjamin Fisher は1636年になって基本同じタイトルで、ただし副題の冒頭を "Very necessary for all young sea-men" と強調して、62ページの本を出しているので、そんなに増補されたのではないのかもしれません。Accidence のほうはテクストを参照できないので断定できませんが、ともかく、この時点で "phrases" や "words" を解説していたことは副題からも確認できます。逆に A Sea Grammar のほうを見てみても、まさに手引書という趣きが強く、辞典という感じは弱いです。 は "Smith, John - FREE Smith, John information | Find Smith, John research" <> でハート James D. Hart の有名なオックスフォード・コンパニオン The Oxford Companion to American Literature を引いているみたいで、著作について記述している箇所はつぎのようです(ジョン・スミスの他の著作についても参考になる解説なので引用します)。――

His books are A True Relation of such occurrences and accidents of noate as hath hapned in Virginia since the first planting of that Collony (1608), a pamphlet giving the earliest firsthand account of the settlement, but not mentioning his rescue by Pocahontas; A Map of Virginia with a Description of the Country (1612), continuing the account of his governorship; A Description of New England: or the Observations and Discoveries of Captain John Smith … (1616), a narrative of his later ventures in New England and unsuccessful voyages while in the employ of Gorges; New Englands Trials (1620), a pamphlet that has been called “essentially a plea for employment,” and which was enlarged (1622) to give an account of the successes of the Pilgrims; The Generall Historie of Virginia, New England, and the Summer Isles (1624), a lengthy and more magniloquent reworking of his earlier writings, containing an extended account of the Pocahontas story; An Accidence, or The Pathway to Experience Necessary for all Young Seamen (1626), a pamphlet that was recast, probably by another hand, as A Sea Grammar (1627) and The Seaman's Grammar (1692); The True Travels, Adventures, and Observations of Captaine John Smith in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, from …1593 to 1629 … (1630), the autobiography that furnishes information about his early life; and Advertisements for the Unexperienced Planters of New England, or Anywhere; or, The Pathway to Erect a Plantation (1631), which, in the manner of a wise scholar counseling a young pupil, addresses advice to Winthrop and his Massachusetts settlers, and contains Smith's pathetic autobiographical poem The Sea‐Mark.

  1626年の Accidence の、もしかすると別の人の手で ("probably by another hand") 書き直された ("recast") ものとして 1627 年の A Sea Grammar と 1692 年の The Seaman's Grammar を並べています。

    A Sea Grammar のリプリント版を見ると、ジョン・スミス自身の序文や献辞的やりとりも載っているので、たぶんスミス自身がかかわっていたのではないかと思われます。1692年は、そもそもスミスは没していますから、新たな編集があったとしか思われません。

  ちなみに、1644年に Henry Mainwaring というひとが The Sea-mans Dictionary: Or, An Exposition and Demonstration of all the Parts and Things belonging to a Shippe: Together with an Explanation of all the Termes and Phrases used in the Practique of Navigation.  Composed by that able and experienced Sea-man Sr Henry Manwayring, Knight . . . という本を出し、少なくとも英語圏の海事事典としてはライヴァルが登場します。1641年、ジョン・スミスは亡くなっていますが、ロンドンの Randal Taylor 社は John Smith の名で The Sea-Mans Grammar and Dictionary という新たなタイトルにして出していました。で、どうもこのマンウェアリングとスミスは(というか両者の出版社は)競っていたみたい。


  「15章にわかれているけれど、君は目次を見ると中味がわかるよ」と表紙と同様に扉にも書かれています(なんか教科書っぽいのかw)。ということで、目次を書き留めておきます(ページは1907年の合本リプリント版第2巻のもの)。海事用語事典としては、下の参考urlsに載せた Maritime History のサイトが有益だと思います。

Chap. I.  Of Dockes and their definitions, and what belongs to them.   222

Chap. II.  How to build a Ship, with the definition of all the principall names of every part of her, and her principall timbers, also how they are fixed one to another, and the reasons of their use.  223

Chap. III.  How to proportion the Masts and Yards for a Ship, by her Beame and Keele.  237

Chap.  IIII [IV].  The names of all the Masts, Tops, and Yards belonging to a Ship.  240

Chap. V.  How all the Tackling and Rigging of a Ship is made fast one another, with the names and reasons of of their use.  241

Chap. VI.  What doth belong to the Boats and Skiffe, with the definition of all those thirteen Ropes which are only properly called Ropes belonging to a Ship or a Boat, and their use.  250

Chap. VII.  The Names of all sorts of Anchors, Cables, and Sailes, and how they beare their proportions, with their use.  Also how the Ordnance should be placed, and the goods stowed in a Ship.  253

Chap. VIII.  The charge and duty of the Captaine of a Ship, and every office and officer in a man of warre.  258

Chap. IX.  Proper Sea termes for dividing the Company at Sea, and stearing, sayling, and moring a Ship in faire weather or in a strome.  262

Chap. X.  Proper Sea tearmes for the Winds, Ebbes, Flouds, and Eddies, with their definitions, and an estimate of the depth of the Sea, by the height of the Hils and largenesse of the Earth.  271

Chap. XI.  Proper Sea tearmes belonging to the good or bad condition of Ships, how to find them and amend them.  277

Chap. XII.  Considerations for a Sea Captaine in the choise of his Ship, and in placing his Ordnance.  In giving Chase, Boording, and entring a man of warre like himself, or a defending Merchant man 〔商船〕.  280

Chap. XIII.  How to manage a fight at Sea, with the proper tearmes in a fight largely expressed, and the ordering a Navy at Sea.  284

Chap. XIV.  The names of all sorts of great Ordnance, and their appurtenances, with their proper tearmes and expositions, also divers observations concerning their shooting, with a Table of proportion for their weight of metall, weight of powder, weight of shot, and there best at randome and point blanke inlarged.  289

Chap. XV.  How they divide their shares in a man of Warre; what Bookes and Instruments are fit for a Sea man, with divers advertisements for young Gentlemen that intend to follow the Sea, and the use of petty Tally.  296


    思えば、サミュエル・ピープス (1633-1703) が生まれるちょっと前の英語です。ま、17世紀間それほど変わったとも思われませんけれど、Dockes = docks とか principall = principal とか metall = metal とか、 Beame = beam とか、Sailes = sails とか、 tearmes = terms とか、inlarged = enlarged とか、今の英語と綴りが違いますし、大文字の使用も今の習慣と違います。


The Maritime History Virtual Archives <> 〔"Etymology, including Dictionaries" の項 <> が各国語の辞典類〕

John Smith, A Sea Grammar [rpt. 1907] <> 〔@Library〕

John Smith, A Sea Grammar <> 〔@Internet Archive〕

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