
新しい診療所の建設・続報、と古い診療所とウィーン万博の話など Swift Memorial Infirmary [Marginalia 余白に]

今日もニューヨークタイムズを広げていたら、昨日の記事(「古い伝染病棟と新しい診療所 The Old Contagious Ward and the New Infirmary」参照)の続報が載っていました。――

The New York Times (February 2, 1900), 2面.

Mrs. Atwater Doubles Her Gift Because of Higher Cost of Building.

POUGHKEEPSIE, Feb. 9―Mrs. Caroline Swift Atwater of Poughkeepsie, an alumna of the class of '77, has doubled her original gift of money to Vassar College for a new infirmary, the rise in the price of building materials since the gift was made last June necessitating a larger expenditure than was at first anticipated.
     Vassar was the first college in the world to establish an infirmary, having had one in the main dormitory since the founding of the college itself.  The growth of the college, however, and the erection of new dormitories has made desirable a separate infirmary building, which Mrs. Atwater's generosity has furnished.  This will be known as the Swift Memorial Infirmary, in honor of Mrs. Atwater's father, a member of Vassar's first Board of Trustees.



  2代目の学長の(といっても「塔 Tower」で書いたように、初代ジュウェットを次いで1865年の開学時に学長となった)レイモンドが、7年の大学運営を経て、1873年5月に、合衆国教育局の求めに応じて大学運営の報告書を提出したときに、学内の医療施設についてはつぎのように書かれていました。(この報告書は、さらに教育局長の要請により、その年のウィーン万国博覧会に、女性の教育についてのヴァッサーでの取り組みの報告のために本として出版されました。この万博のテーマ(モットー)は「文化と教育 Kultur und Erziehung [Culture and Education]」でした。)――

The executive head is the President of the college, whose duty it is to watch over all its interests, and to see that all laws and regulations prescribed by competent authority are carried out.  He is specially charged with its discipline and with the moral and religious instruction of the students.  The Lady Principal is the chief executive aid of the President in the government of the college, and the immediate head of the college family.  She exercises a maternal supervision over the deportment, health, social connections, personal habits, and wants of the students.  She is assisted by nine of the lady teachers, each of whom has immediate charge of one of the college corridors; and in matters of health she has the counsel of the "Resident Physician," who is a regularly educated medical woman, and who has under her direction a well-appointed infirmary and a nurse. [Vassar College.  A College for Women, in Poughkeepsie, N.Y.: A Sketch of Its Foundation, Aims, Resources, and of the Development of Its Scheme of Instruction to the Present Time (New York: S. W. Green, 1873) 13-14 <>]

    この箇所を読んで初めて知ったのですが、学長とは別に "principal" 校長さんがいて、それは女性で、健康面も含めた学生の生活・習慣その他もろもろを「母親」のように監督するのでした(「"maternal supervision" を行使する」)。学長のほうは道徳教育・宗教教育の側面に責任をもつようにも書かれています。この the Lady Principal の下に9人の女教師がいてそれぞれ "corridor" を受け持ち、健康については医学をちゃんと学んだ "Resident Physician" ――というから住み込みですね――が校長の相談役というか協力者としていて、この女性の校医は看護婦とともに診療所を指揮するという体制です。


Weltausstellung 1873, Vienna [at ExpoMuseum] <> 〔ExpoMuseum <> のなかのウィーン万博1873のページ(別にヴァッサーのことは書いてありませんが〕


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