
『タングルウッド・テールズ』のホートン・ミフリン版の序文 Preface to the Riverside Edition of _Tanglewood Tales_ [父と子]

Internet Archive で Tanglewood Tales を閲覧して、いちばん目に留まるエディションはボストンのHoughton Mifflin 社が1898年ごろに出した "Riverside Literature Series" でした。 ホートン・ミフリン社のリヴァーサイド・プレスは1881年くらいからホーソーンの作品集さらに全集を出している出版社です(たとえば Hawthorne's Works, Illustrated Library Edition の Tanglewood Tales, and Biographical Stories (1881))。なお、このころ既に妻のソファイアは亡くなっており、ホーソーンの本の「版権」(copyright)を管理していたのは次女のRose でした。

  20世紀のオハイオ大学の Century Edition 20巻本のホーソーン全集が現在の定本ですけれど、その前のホーソーン全集は1880年代~90年代の Riverside Edition 13巻本(15巻本(1882)もあり、12巻本もあったけど)で、それは『カリフォルニア時間』の記事「November 26 メリーマウントのメイポールの挿絵について An Illustration of "The Maypole of Merry Mount" [本・読み物 reading books]」で書き写したように、 "Riverside Edition / THE COMPLETE WORKS OF NATHANIEL / HAWTHORNE, WITH INTRODUCTORY / NOTES BY GEORGE PARSONS / LATHROP / AND ILLUSTRATED WITH / Etchings by Blum, Church, Dielman, Gifford, Shirlaw, / and Turner / IN TWELVE VOLUMES / VOLUME ○○." と各巻冒頭に記されていました。 

  この "introductory notes" を記している George Parsons Lathrop というのは、実はローズのだんなだった人です。ローズ・ホーソーンはタングルウッドというかレノックスで1851年に生まれるわけですが、その後父親のホーソーンが、大学の同級だったピアスの大統領選キャンペーン用に伝記を書いた返礼として外国領事の仕事を得た関係で、ロンドン、パリ、フィレンツェ、ローマなど、ヨーロッパで教育を受けます。そして1864年のホーソーンの死後、作家を志して詩作をしたりしました。1871年、ハワイ生まれでニューヨーク、ドレスデンで教育を受けた若い作家・詩人のGeorge Parsons Lathrop (1851–1898) とロンドンで結婚。Rose Hawthorne Lathrop を名乗ります。のちに夫ともにカトリックに転向。1895年離婚。


  全集版、ならびに単行本で "G. P. L" のイニシアルで序文を書いているのは、ですからホーソーンの娘の夫のジョージ・パーソンズ・レースロップです。 


"Riverside Literature Series" Edition of Tanglewood Tales <>




     Hawthorne's first "Wonder-Book" was so well received, that he was induced to undertake another within eighteen months from the time of finishing the first.  To this new volume, made up in the same way of Greek myths retold with a modern, free, half realistic and half fanciful tone, he gave the name "Tanglewood Tales."  The previous series having been ostensibly narrated by one Eustace Bright, among the hills of Berkshire, these additiional stories in the like vein were represented as having been brought by Eustace Bright to Hawthorne, at his new home, The Wayside, in Concord.
     This place Hawthorne had bought and moved into, early in the summer of 1852, after finishing "The Blithedale Romance" at West Newton, during the preceding winter.  Some slight references to it are made in the Introduction headed "The Wayside," where "my predecessor's little ruined, rustic summer-house, midway on the hill-side," is mentioned.  The predecessor was Mr. A. Bronson Alcott, one of the so-called Transcendental school of thinkers, the intimate friend of Ralph Waldo Emerson, and the father of Miss Louisa M. Alcott, since become one of the most popular of writers for children.  This summer-house, therefore, becomes to the mind a sort of station between the new generation and the old, a link between Hawthorne in his capacity of tale-teller to the little folks of America, and the woman who, at that time a child, has in later years assembled from the young people a vast audience of her own.  The romancer speaks of this rustic structure in a letter to George William Curtis, dated July 14, 1852: ―
     "Mr. Alcott expended a good deal of taste and some money (to no great purpose) in forming the hill-side behind the house into terraces, and building arbors and summer-houses of rough stems and branches and trees, on a system of his own.  They must have been very pretty in their day, and are still, although much decayed, and shattered more and more by every breeze that blows."
     No vestige of this sylvan edifice now remains.
     Prior to his return to Concord and installation at The Wayside, Hawthorne had contemplated giving up that humble abode at Lenox, which, in a letter to George William Curtis, he had called "the ugliest little old red farm-house you ever saw," and renting the country-seat of Mrs. Fanny Kemble, in the same vicinity.  But as I have mentioned in the Introductory Note prefixed to the "Wonder-Book," he had already begun to languish somewhat in the inland air of the Berkshire Valley; added to which was the not altogether favorable influence of the striking scenery in that picturesque mountain-district.  In October, 1851, he wrote from Lenox to a friend: "We shall leave here (with much joy) on the first day of December."
     The sojourn at West Newton, however, served only to occupy the interval between Lenox and his settlement at Concord.  After he had arrived at the latter place, he wrote to Horatio Bridge (October 13, 1852): "In a day or two I intend to begin a new romance, which, if possible, I intend to make more genial than the last."  The "last" was "The Blithedale Romance;" but of the newly projected work here mentioned we find no further trace, and it is impossible to conjecture what scheme for a fresh work of fiction was then occupying the author's mind.  The "campaign" Life of Franklin Pierce had already been produced after his coming to The Wayside, and he was apparently free to turn his attention to this projected romance; but instead of pursuing the design, whatever it may have been, he took up the composition of the "Tanglewood Tales," which were completed in the early spring of 1853.  On the 13th of March, that year, he wrote the preface for them.  Ten days later his appointment to the consulate at Liverpool by President Pierce was confirmed by the Senate of the United States.
                                                                 G. P. L.

[1  For a detailed account of The Wayside, the prefatory note to Septimus Felton, in the Riverside Edition of Hawthorne's works, may be consulted.] 

  ホーソーンが引っ越した先のコンコードの Wayside の家の直前の持ち主がブロンソン・オールコットだったことから、児童文学の系譜としてホーソーンと娘のルイーザ・オールコットのつながりに触れています。ルイーザ・メイ・オールコット (1832-88) の両親はフェミニズムを含む進歩的な思想に傾倒していましたが、母親のAbigail は1877年まで生きて『若草物語』の Mrs. March のモデルとなっています。オルコットは生涯独身を通して、父親の超絶主義哲学者ブロンソン・オルコット (Amos Bronson Alcott, 1799-1888) が亡くなった1888年3月4日の二日後に55歳の生涯を閉じています(「醜いわが子――子らよのパート3 My Hideous Progeny: My Chillun, Part 3」参照w)。ローズ・ホーソーンの母親のソファイアもフェミニズムや擬似科学も含めて進歩的・社会改良的な思想に傾倒したひとでした(ナサニエル・ホーソーンは惹かれながらも反発しました)。

[Riverside Edition] A Wonder-Book, Tanglewood Tales, and Grandfather's Chair.  Vol. 4 of The Complete Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne.  Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1892 <>

  13巻本全集の第4巻。全集には子供向けの物語がまとめておさめられ、それぞれにG. P. レースロップの序がついています。


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